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Jesus Prayed For Us

Apr 28, 2024    Dr. Dalton Jenkins

Join us on this journey as we explore the essence of God's mission and our invitation to participate in His divine work. Reflecting on the significance of Palm Sunday and Easter, we delve into the triumphs and challenges that define our faith. We ponder the poignant moment of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, the battle between light and darkness, and the transformative resurrection that beckons us to respond. Our discussion further unravels the seven realities of experiencing God as outlined by Henry Blackaby, and how they call us to a deeper, more obedient relationship with our Creator.

Listen in as we contemplate the profound nature of Jesus' final prayers, his intercession on behalf of humanity, and the power of persistent prayer in our lives. We take a closer look at the prayer life of Jesus and His disciples, understanding that our dedication to God should surpass all worldly distractions. This episode also casts a light on the legalistic perceptions within the church, challenging us to prioritize our spiritual commitments and engage in active faith that brings glory to God above all else.

Our conversation culminates with an emphasis on the urgency of finishing the work set before us and living out God's love and glory in our daily lives. We're inspired by Jesus' prayer for unity among believers and the eternal enjoyment of His glory. Whether you're a believer seeking to deepen your commitment or someone on the verge of embracing salvation, this episode encourages you to seize the moment with purpose and passion. Don't miss this heartfelt invitation to align with God's vision and contribute to His kingdom with every action and choice you make.